Douglas Hodge Douglas Hodge 2/25/60 Actor Biography There is no information about «Douglas Hodge» yet. Roles Rex Mayhew (Actor) The Night Manager Paul Nixon (Actor) Unforgotten General Velementov (Actor) The Great Anthony Fossett (Actor) Secret State Adam (Actor) The Barbara Vine Mysteries Steve Blake (Actor) The Uninvited Dr. Tertius Lydgate (Actor) Middlemarch Young Gerald Middleton (Actor) Anglo Saxon Attitudes Michael Belcombe (Actor) Unforgiven Robert "The Badger" Adelman (Actor) The Undoing Bailey Quinn (Actor) I Hate Suzie Declan (Actor) Capital City Inspector Chris Franks (Actor) The Town Captain Grimes (Actor) Decline and Fall Jack Blakeney (Actor) The Scold's Bridle Gallery