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3/1/09 – 5/31/09


What is Doręczyciel about (plot, summary)

The main theme of the drama series revolves around the life adventures of 40-year-old mentally disabled Janek Kaniewski, who is suddenly left alone in the world and has to face a new reality. He is helped by his friends and kind people on the road. But a naive, gullible man who accepts everything at face value, will also be the object of unrefined jokes, will be caught up in various intrigues, will become a victim of people who only care about their own interests, he will become a scapegoat for tricksters and manipulators. Despite his disappointments, many unpleasantries and failures, Janek will not give up, trying at all costs to be a normal person, to find his place on earth, to achieve happiness and peace.