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Pop Paper City: Episodes

Pop Paper City

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Pop Paper City


11/12/22 – 1/8/23

United Kingdom

Season 1

# Name Date
1 I Can Save the Day 11/12/22
2 Plom's Play 11/13/22
3 Howdy There, Hooper 11/19/22
4 Jurassic Pop 11/20/22
5 Zip's Magnificent Memory Book 11/26/22
6 Springtime Flowers 11/27/22
7 Band for a Stand 12/3/22
8 Sports Day 12/4/22
9 Hooper's Big Day Out 12/10/22
10 Mae-Mae's Precious Pearl 12/11/22
11 Mr Bobby Bunny Bag 12/17/22
12 Snow Day 12/18/22
13 The Golden Pipsqueak 12/24/22
14 Amazing Maze 12/31/22
15 Phoebe's Hotel 1/1/23
16 Top of the Mountain 1/7/23
17 Detective Plom 1/8/23
18 Detective Plom 5/6/23
19 Say Cheese 5/7/23
20 Big Sister Day 7/22/23
21 Plom's Big Book Day 7/23/23
22 Downhill Racers 7/29/23
23 Hooper Dooper Land 7/30/23
24 The Floor is Bananas 8/5/23
25 The First Big Camping Adventure 8/6/23
26 The Friendship Parade 8/12/23
27 Big Thank You 8/13/23
28 Zip's Movie 8/19/23
29 Frog Pond 9/30/23
30 Planet Pop Beam 10/1/23
31 Fly Spy 10/7/23
32 The Great Hooperini 10/8/23
33 Farmyard Runaways 10/14/23
34 Postie Plom 10/15/23
35 Fly with Fly 10/21/23
36 The Zip Express 10/22/23
37 A Frightful Friend 10/28/23
38 Doctor Mae-Mae 10/29/23
39 Queen Mae-Mae 11/4/23
40 Safari So Good 11/5/23
41 Fairy Tale Episode 11/11/23
42 Pop Goes the Circus 11/12/23
43 Missing Star 11/18/23
44 Mission Poppletoise 11/25/23
45 Hooper's Big Bake 11/26/23
46 The Yes List 12/2/23
47 Spin the Arrow 12/3/23
48 The Legend of the Golden Pencil 12/10/23
49 Zip's Big Splash 12/16/23
50 Pop-Wheel 12/17/23
51 The Lost Palace 12/23/23
52 The Journey to Musical Mountain 12/24/23