Ólafur Darri Ólafsson Ólafur Darri Ólafsson 13/3/73 Actor Biografía No hay información de «Ólafur Darri Ólafsson». Papeles Andri Olafsson (Actor) Trapped Bing Partridge (Actor) NOS4A2 Benedikt Rikhardsson (Actor) Ráðherrann Andri Olafsson (Actor) Entrapped TBA (Actor) The Tourist Stefan Andersen (Actor) The Missing Billy Nixon (Actor) The Tourist Centaur Claus (Actor) KIFF Scott (Actor) Lady Dynamite Tiwaz (Actor) Twilight of the Gods First Wolf (Actor) Twilight of the Gods Haukur (Actor) La Palma Travis (Actor) Nine Bodies in a Mexican Morgue Fotos, Imágenes