Andrew Buchan Andrew Buchan 19.02.1979 Aktor Biografia Żadnych informacji o «Andrew Buchan». Bohaterowie Andrew Parker Bowles (Aktor) The Crown Ian Rider (Aktor) Alex Rider Franklin Clarke (Aktor) The ABC Murders Thomas Farriner (Aktor) The Great Fire Scott Foster (Aktor) Party Animals Felim Bichan (Aktor) Industry Chris Edwards (Aktor) COBRA William Garrow (Aktor) Garrow's Law Mark Latimer (Aktor) Broadchurch Matt Hancock (Aktor) This England Col McHugh (Aktor) Better Thomas Mortimer (Aktor) The Sinking of the Laconia Ephra Stein (Aktor) The Honourable Woman Jem Hearne (Aktor) Cranford John Mercer (Aktor) The Fixer DI James Marsh (Aktor) Code of Silence Zdjęcie, Obrazy