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Push, Nevada

Push, Nevada

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Push, Nevada

Drama, Mystery

– 10/24/02

United States

What is Push, Nevada about (plot, summary)

The show followed a mild-mannered IRS agent, Jim Prufrock, as he travelled to the mysterious desert town of Push, Nevada. While conducting an investigation of a sizable accounting error made by the Versailles Casino, Jim begins to realize that there may be stranger things going on in this town than embezzlement. Despite frequent warnings from a 'Slo-dancer', Mary, to leave town before he's in too deep, Jim continues to investigate the strange town where a lot of things don't seem to add up. After many unpleasant incidents, and with the help of his faithful secretary, Grace, Jim discovers that no one in Push, Nevada has filed an income tax return since 1985. There's also a clandestine corporation known as Watermark, LLC., that appears to control every financial facet of the town, as well as local law enforcement and even forces in the federal government. With the help of Shadrack, Mary Sloman, Caleb Moore, Job, and others who appear to be less crooked in town, Jim begins to unravel the mystery surrounding the missing million (and Bible), and the strange behavior of Push's residents.

Push, Nevada was unique in that it offered viewers a chance to follow along and solve the mystery of Push for a prize of $1,045,000. Each episode contained clues, from web addresses in the opening credits to specific phrases uttered by characters in the show, each having its own significance to the mystery.