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Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet: Episoden

Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet

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Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet

Abenteuerfilm, Science-Fiction, Actionfilm, Anime

07.04.13 – 30.06.13

Staffel 1

# Episode name Datum
1 Castaway 07.04.13
2 The Planet of Origin 14.04.13
3 The Villainous Empress 21.04.13
4 The Flute of Recollection 28.04.13
5 Calm Day 05.05.13
6 Festival 12.05.13
7 A Soldier's Fate 19.05.13
8 Separation 26.05.13
9 Deep Sea Secret 02.06.13
10 Island of Ambition 09.06.13
11 Supreme Ruler of Terror 16.06.13
12 Moment of Decision 23.06.13
13 Legend of the Verdurous Planet 30.06.13