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Is This a Zombie?: Episoden

Is This a Zombie?

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Is This a Zombie?

Filmkomödie, Fantasyfilm, Actionfilm, Anime

11.01.11 – 07.06.12

Staffel 2

# Episode name Datum
1 Yes, I'm Now Making a Magical Transformation Again! 05.04.12
2 Aah, Farewell to Me 12.04.12
3 Yo! That's Some Friendly You-nity! 19.04.12
4 No, Get Lost, Good Sir 26.04.12
5 Yes, It Goes Around Every Year 03.05.12
6 No Way, We Were Winning! 10.05.12
7 Mm-hmm, Teacher is the Greatest! 17.05.12
8 Whoo, a Mixer with Kyoko! 24.05.12
9 Ah, My Darling is a Ne'er-do-well 31.05.12
10 Still, That's Okay 07.06.12

Staffel 1

# Episode name Datum
1 Yes, I'm a Magical Garment Girl 11.01.11
2 No, It's a Vampire Ninja 18.01.11
3 Yes, Hair in Pigtails 25.01.11
4 Whoa, Am I Glowing? 01.02.11
5 Yeah, That's Kyoto Tofu 08.02.11
6 Yes, I Summon Death 14.02.11
7 Hey, Which Middle School Are You At? 21.02.11
8 Heh, I'm a Schoolyard Wife 28.02.11
9 Yes, When I Strip Down, You'll Be Amazed 07.03.11
10 No, That Will Explode 21.03.11
11 Yeah, You Stay with Me! 28.03.11
12 Yes, There's Still More 29.03.11