Queen Sugar: Episoden
Staffel 7
# | Episode name | Datum |
1 | And When Great Souls Die | 06.09.22 |
2 | After a Period, Peace Blooms | 13.09.22 |
3 | Slowly and Always Irregularly | 20.09.22 |
4 | Spaces Fill | 27.09.22 |
5 | With a Kind of | 04.10.22 |
6 | Soothing Electric Vibration | 11.10.22 |
7 | Our Senses Restored | 18.10.22 |
8 | Never To Be The Same | 25.10.22 |
9 | Whisper To Us | 01.11.22 |
10 | They Existed | 08.11.22 |
11 | We Can Be | 15.11.22 |
12 | Be and Be Better | 22.11.22 |
13 | For They Existed | 29.11.22 |
Staffel 6
# | Episode name | Datum |
1 | If You Could Enter Their Dreaming | 07.09.21 |
2 | And Dream with Them Deeply | 14.09.21 |
3 | You Would Come Back Different | 21.09.21 |
4 | To A Different Day | 28.09.21 |
5 | Moving So Easily Through That Common Depth | 05.10.21 |
6 | Or Maybe Just Stay There | 12.10.21 |
7 | They Would Bloom and Welcome You | 26.10.21 |
8 | All Those Brothers and Sisters | 02.11.21 |
9 | Tossing In The Meadows | 09.11.21 |
10 | And You Would Be One Of Them | 16.11.21 |
Staffel 5
# | Episode name | Datum |
1 | Late-February 2020 | 16.02.21 |
2 | Mid-March 2020 | 23.02.21 |
3 | Late-April 2020 | 02.03.21 |
4 | Early-May 2020 | 09.03.21 |
5 | May 19, 2020 | 16.03.21 |
6 | May 27, 2020 | 23.03.21 |
7 | June 1, 2020 | 30.03.21 |
8 | June 3, 2020 | 06.04.21 |
9 | In Summer Time To Simply Be | 13.04.21 |
10 | Onward | 20.04.21 |
Staffel 4
# | Episode name | Datum |
1 | Pleasure Is Black | 12.06.19 |
2 | I No Longer Imagine | 19.06.19 |
3 | Where My Body Stops or Begins | 26.06.19 |
4 | Skin Transparent | 03.07.19 |
5 | Face Speckled | 10.07.19 |
6 | By the Spit | 24.07.19 |
7 | Of Several Centuries | 31.07.19 |
8 | All the Borders | 07.08.19 |
9 | Stare at the Same Fires | 14.08.19 |
10 | Oh Mamere | 21.08.19 |
11 | I'm Sorry | 28.08.19 |
12 | Here | 04.09.19 |
13 | I Am | 11.09.19 |
Staffel 3
# | Episode name | Datum |
1 | A Rock, A River, A Tree | 29.05.18 |
2 | Of Their Sojourn Here | 30.05.18 |
3 | Your Distant Destiny | 06.06.18 |
4 | No Haven in My Shadow | 13.06.18 |
5 | A Little Lower Than Angels | 20.06.18 |
6 | Delicate and Strangely Made | 27.06.18 |
7 | Study War No More | 11.07.18 |
8 | Come, Clad in Peace | 18.07.18 |
9 | The Tree and Stone Were One | 25.07.18 |
10 | Here Beside the River | 01.08.18 |
11 | Your Passages Have Been Paid | 08.08.18 |
12 | The Horizon Leans Forward | 15.08.18 |
13 | From on the Pulse of Morning | 22.08.18 |
Staffel 2
# | Episode name | Datum |
1 | After the Winter | 20.06.17 |
2 | To Usward | 21.06.17 |
3 | What Do I Care for Morning | 28.06.17 |
4 | My Soul's High Song | 05.07.17 |
5 | Caroling Dusk | 12.07.17 |
6 | Line of Our Elders | 19.07.17 |
7 | I Know My Soul | 26.07.17 |
8 | Freedom's Plow | 02.08.17 |
9 | Yet Do I Marvel | 03.10.17 |
10 | Drums at Dusk | 04.10.17 |
11 | Fruit of the Flower | 11.10.17 |
12 | Live in the All Along | 18.10.17 |
13 | Heritage | 25.10.17 |
14 | On These I Stand | 01.11.17 |
15 | Copper Sun | 08.11.17 |
16 | Dream Variations | 15.11.17 |
Staffel 1
# | Episode name | Datum |
1 | First Things First | 06.09.16 |
2 | Evergreen | 07.09.16 |
3 | Thy Will Be Done | 14.09.16 |
4 | The Darker Sooner | 21.09.16 |
5 | By Any Chance | 28.09.16 |
6 | As Promised | 05.10.16 |
7 | In No Uncertain Terms | 12.10.16 |
8 | Where with All | 26.10.16 |
9 | Next to Nothing | 02.11.16 |
10 | So Far | 09.11.16 |
11 | All Good | 16.11.16 |
12 | Far Too Long | 23.11.16 |
13 | Give Us This Day | 30.11.16 |