Fernsehserien Episoden Übersetzungen Kommenden Saisons Charaktere Schauspieler

The 100 Girlfriends Who Really, Really, Really, Really, Really Love You: Episoden

The 100 Girlfriends Who Really, Really, Really, Really, Really Love You

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The 100 Girlfriends Who Really, Really, Really, Really, Really Love You

Filmkomödie, Anime, Liebesfilm

08.10.23 – 08.10.23

Staffel 2

# Episode name Datum
1 TBA 12.01.25
2 The Beginning and the End! Food Fight Festival! 19.01.25
3 What Does the Maid See? 26.01.25
4 Super Soaked Maid Party 02.02.25
5 Most Athletes Are Masochists 09.02.25
6 A Homerun Promise 16.02.25
7 Karaoke Crisis 23.02.25
8 The Beautiful and the Bold 02.03.25
9 The World Hair Only Grows 09.03.25
10 Peekaboy-Meets-Girl 16.03.25
11 Peekaboy-Meets-Girl 23.03.25
12 Episode 12 30.03.25

Staffel 1

# Episode name Datum
1 The 2 Girlfriends Who Really, Really, Really Love You (98 to Go) 08.10.23
2 First Kiss 15.10.23
3 The Quiet Princess, the Knight, and the Samurai 22.10.23
4 Just When You Think It's a Hanky-Panky Episode 29.10.23
5 The Hyper-Efficient Girl 05.11.23
6 Everyone's Favorite: The Swimsuit Episode 12.11.23
7 Saying Hello to the Chemistry Girl 19.11.23
8 Kiss Zombie Panic 26.11.23
9 The Holy War of Love and Soul 03.12.23
10 Love Mission: Impossible 10.12.23
11 Even If It Kills Me 17.12.23
12 100 girlfriends who love you so much (94 more) 24.12.23