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Jimmy McGill

Jimmy McGill

Jimmy McGill

Better Call Saul

Saul Goodman, real name James Morgan McGill, is a sleazy "criminal lawyer" (in Jesse Pinkman's words: "a lawyer who is a criminal") who acts as Walter and Jesse's attorney and up to a certain point, the series' comic relief. He uses the name "Saul Goodman" because he thinks his clients feel more confident with a Jewish lawyer; this name is also homophonous with the expression "[it]'s all good, man." Dressing in flashy suits, Saul maintains extensive connections within the criminal underworld and serves as a go-between connecting drug distributors, evidence removers, impersonators, and other criminals-for-hire. Despite his flamboyant appearance and mannerisms—punctuated by his outrageous low-budget TV commercials—Saul is a highly competent lawyer who is able to solve problems and find loopholes in order to protect his clients. He is also reluctant to be associated with violence or murder. He has served as an adviser for Walter, Jesse, Gus, Mike, and even Skyler, whom he also helped acquire a car wash in order to launder Walter's drug money.


Bob Odenkirk