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Maxine Conway

Maxine Conway

Maxine Conway


Maxine Conway is a transgender inmate at Wentworth. Maxine was sent to Wentworth after stabbing her boyfriend, Gary, with scissors after he cut off her hair as a result of Maxine's gender reassignment surgery. Maxine is seen as the muscle in the prison, often affiliated with Bea Smith as her second in command. Upon Maxine's entry into Wentworth she was trumped with transphobic insults and bets as to whether she had a penis or vagina. After Maxine's adjustment to prison life, her boyfriend's brother comes to visit her and leaves her male looking clothes and a visitors pass that Maxine uses to try and escape the prison. Vera, upon finishing her shift, noticed that Maxine was trying to escape and called out to Will to stop Maxine from leaving. After being taken back into the prison, Vera refuses to give Maxine her wig back. In season 4, Maxine is diagnosed with breast cancer. In season 5, after having a double mastectomy, Maxine is transferred to Barnhurst prison as they have a better treatment facility to help with her chemotherapy.
