Lennie Weinrib Lennie Weinrib 4/29/35 Actor Biography There is no information about «Lennie Weinrib» yet. Roles Superman (Actor) Sesame Street Closing Narrator (Actor) Spider-Woman Chet Boyle (Actor) Wait Till Your Father Gets Home Scrappy-Doo (Actor) Scooby-Doo! and Scrappy-Doo! Gomez Addams (Actor) The Addams Family Scrappy-Doo (Actor) Scooby-Doo and Scrappy-Doo Stanley Chan (Actor) The Amazing Chan and the Chan Clan Sam Scurvy (Actor) Doctor Dolittle Moonrock (Actor) The Pebbles and Bamm-Bamm Show Inch High (Actor) Inch High, Private Eye Dipper (Actor) Astro and the Space Mutts Tinker Elephunt Cat, Kitty Wizard, Captain Kitt, Hep Cat, Billy the Kitt, Captain Eddie Kittenbacker, Sir Walter Cat, (Actor) Fraidy Cat Gallery