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3615 Monique

3615 Monique

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3615 Monique


12/17/20 – 12/15/22


What is 3615 Monique about (plot, summary)

In France at the start of the 80s still marked by the Giscard years, Simon, Tony and Stéphanie embody a new generation ready to do anything to appropriate this new decade without knowing in concrete terms what they will be able to do with their lives. From the depths of their suburbs, their revolutionary idea will contribute to the sexual disinhibition of an entire country. 3615 Monique is the story of the collaboration of these three students who, despite their enmity, will do everything to realize their crazy project and reveal it to the world. Little by little, without their realizing it, this collaboration will turn into a fragile friendship ... made of passion, lies, betrayals and sex.