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A Girl Like Me

A Girl Like Me

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A Girl Like Me

Comedy, Romance

1/18/21 – 3/2/21

What is A Girl Like Me about (plot, summary)

Ban Hua is a beautiful woman who has come close to married bliss three times. But her straight-shooting, frank manner, and explosive temper have meant that every potential relationship ended in disaster and divorce – even though deep down, she is actually very well-meaning and thoughtful. One day, she discovers that she has a rare talent: She can forecast the future through her dreams. She uses this gift to help her family out of a tight spot. But her life changes forever when she meets Rong Xia, a young maverick whose family has befallen a tragic fate. Rong Xia is on the hunt for answers about what happened to his family, as well as clues about his true identity, which has been kept a secret from him all his life. Together, the duo strikes up a partnership, with Ban Hua determined to help Rong Xia learn the truth. But as their relationship deepens, could this be a case of fourth time lucky in love for her?