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A Terra Prometida

A Terra Prometida

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A Terra Prometida


8/7/17 – 4/18/18


What is A Terra Prometida about (plot, summary)

A Terra Prometida tells the story of the biblical character Joshua.The series takes place in approximately 1200 B.C in a Hebrew camp in Shittim, in the desert of Moab. After the death of Moses, Joshua becomes the new leader of the Hebrews. Joshua is an experienced warrior, endowed with courage, determination, and a powerful faith. But it is no easy task to lead a people to their destination. With his closest and trusted allies, (the Levite priest Eleazar and Caleb, who is the leader of the tribe of Judah) Joshua has to fulfill a difficult mission, one ordained by God: to command the twelve tribes of Israel and lead them in their conquest of Canaan, the Promised Land.