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– 2/28/82

United Kingdom

Season 1

# Name Date
1 Look After Number One 1/3/82
2 Brave New World 1/10/82
3 Conscience 1/17/82
4 Touch and Go 1/24/82
5 Fools' Errands 1/31/82
6 Captain Clarke Plus One 2/7/82
7 Not Much of a Life 2/14/82
8 Officers and Gentlemen 2/21/82
9 Too Many Promises 2/28/82

Season 0

# Name Date
1 Episode 1 1/3/82
2 Episode 2 1/10/82
3 Episode 3 1/17/82
4 Episode 4 1/24/82
5 Episode 5 1/31/82
6 Episode 6 2/7/82
7 Episode 7 2/14/82
8 Episode 8 2/21/82
9 Episode 9 2/28/82