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Amaama to Inazuma: Episodes

Amaama to Inazuma

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Amaama to Inazuma

Comedy, Drama, Family, Anime

7/5/16 – 9/20/16


Season 1

# Name Date
1 Uniforms and Pot Rice 7/5/16
2 Pork Soup and Restaurant Lights 7/12/16
3 Tsumugi and the Long-Awaited Hamburg Steak 7/19/16
4 Hated Vegetables and Bits in Gratin 7/26/16
5 A Day Off and Special Doughnuts 8/2/16
6 A Gyoza Party with Friends 8/9/16
7 Gohei Mochi and a Grand Adventure 8/16/16
8 Squid and Taro Stew That's Still Yummy Tomorrow 8/23/16
9 Our Family's At-Home Curry 8/30/16
10 Summer Vacation, Kitty, and Aji 9/6/16
11 A Play and Sweet Potato Crêpes 9/13/16
12 Okonomiyaki Filled with Affection 9/20/16