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Comedy, Drama

9/1/14 – 10/27/14


What is Amateurs about (plot, summary)

Amateurs a nine episodes long fictional series in the tragicomic story of the amateur theater company De Pajot spectrometers, which friendship and sincere naivety go hand in hand, full of warm characters and familiar situations. The story starts in a small parish hall in Leirbeek, where the enthusiastic Jan Delvo salle inspirer of the amateur theater company De Pajot heaters. Jan annually writes his own door comedy, what he has done this year with the new stage play 'aunt's sink Jos. John is convinced that this is the ticket for the Royal Landjuweel, the annual contest for the best amateur society, where they grab for years wide.With this new piece John hopes to finally follow in the footsteps of his father, who was there as the previous director indeed managed to win the prestigious award.