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Ao no Kanata no Four Rhythm: Episodes

Ao no Kanata no Four Rhythm

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Ao no Kanata no Four Rhythm

Science-Fiction, Drama, Anime, Romance

1/12/16 – 3/29/16


Season 1

# Name Date
1 I'm Flying! I'm Actually Flying! 1/12/16
2 Udon…? 1/19/16
3 I Just Got a Little Fired Up 1/26/16
4 Meat Makes Me Happy! 2/2/16
5 Yeah. Keep Calm and Carry On. 2/9/16
6 Is That All You've Got? 2/16/16
7 Stab Before You're Stabbed! 2/23/16
8 I... Can't Fly Anymore. 3/1/16
9 The Answer is in the Sky 3/8/16
10 Is That for FC, Too? 3/15/16
11 I Refuse to Lose! 3/22/16
12 Let's... Keep Flying!! 3/29/16