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Drama, Crime

11/8/15 – 10/14/18


What is Aranyélet about (plot, summary)

Miklósiék is living an enviable life in Aranyélet (Golden Life). A successful entrepreneur head of the family, the wife of a volunteer helping the homeless foundation. Their daughter-in-class, and even the family feketebáránya, the rebellious teenage son is a real talent, just busy all the rapkarrierje starting. However, the luxurious life of gold just an illusion. Miklósiék carefully concealed that there is a serious credit debt; that luxury villa in which they live, the family mobster neighbor; and to a greater or lesser crime to maintain their standard of living.When the moment comes that the head of the family busts, and decides to good road map, the idyll soon flees to naught.It turns out that everyone has a different idea about the boldogulásról.