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Atracción x 4

Atracción x 4

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Atracción x 4

Comedy, Drama, Romance

11/3/08 – 5/5/09


What is Atracción x 4 about (plot, summary)

Hamlet Lacalle is the father of three girls: Nina Lacalle, Malena Lacalle and Paula Lacalle. The girls are in love with music. Leticia Gómez Valvuena has married with Gonzalo Milhojas who has three sons: Francisco Milhojas, Pablo Milhojas and Keto Milhojas, and the three guys are in love with reggae. The girls and the guys meet each other because Nina works in the restaurant of Milhojas´family, and the boss in that place is Francisco. Paula and Pablo were in love when Pablo see the girls arriving the neighbourhood. Also, Malena mets Keto because Malena's cousin is the fan president of Atracción x4 (the band that boys form). Then they formed three couples. But, there are problems: the guys are very rich, and the girls are not. The father of three brothers doesn't want them to be friends with the girls. Also Gonzalo stole a few years ago a famous song, that it wrote for Hamlet, but Hamlet doesn't remember that. Leticia was the Hamlet's teacher in school and now she is in love of him.