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B Positive: Episodes

B Positive

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B Positive


11/5/20 – 3/10/22

United States

Season 2

# Name Date
1 Love, Taxes and a Kidney 10/14/21
2 Vermont, Switzerland and Connecticut 10/21/21
3 Bagels, Billiards and a Magic Show 10/28/21
4 Baseball, Walkers and Wine 11/4/21
5 Novocaine, Bond and Bocce 11/11/21
6 A Dishwasher, a Fire and a Remote Control 11/18/21
7 A Camper, a Compass and a Cannoli 12/2/21
8 A Dog, a Mousse and a Bat 12/9/21
9 Heartburn, Woodstock and Ribs 1/6/22
10 S'mores, Elvis and a Cubano 1/13/22
11 Louisville, Bubbaroo and Sully 1/20/22
12 Dagobah, a Room and a Chimney Sweep 1/27/22
13 A Boss, a Bear Claw and a Defibrillator 1/27/22
14 Osteoporosis, Benihana and a Slinky 2/24/22
15 Payroll, a Waterwall and Wham! 3/3/22
16 Juneau, Froyo, and Mario Kart 3/10/22

Season 1

# Name Date
1 Pilot 11/5/20
2 Die Alysis 11/12/20
3 Foreign Bodies 11/19/20
4 Joint Pain 12/3/20
5 High Risk Factor 12/17/20
6 Open Heart Surgery 1/21/21
7 Phantom Limb 2/11/21
8 Integration Therapy 2/18/21
9 B Negative 2/25/21
10 B Negative Part 2 3/4/21
11 Recessive Gina 3/11/21
12 Canine Extraction 4/1/21
13 Inflammatory Response 4/8/21
14 Love Life Support 4/15/21
15 Miss Diagnosis 4/22/21
16 A Cute Asphyxiation 4/29/21
17 Transplanticipation 5/6/21
18 Life Expectancy 5/13/21