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Big Hawaii

Big Hawaii

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Big Hawaii

Adventure, Drama, Romance

9/21/77 – 12/28/77


United States

What is Big Hawaii about (plot, summary)

Drama series about a powerful ranching family with Cliff Potts as Mitch Fears, a prodigal son who has returned. The storyline is about a wealthy old-line rancher and his liberal son. Shot in Hawaiian locations.

If there is a prevailing theme in NBC TV's Big Hawaii, Wednesdays, (10-11 p.m.), it is "family spirit". It is about life on the massive Paradise Ranch owned by Barrett Fears (John Dehner). There are two families on the ranch — the Fears, played by Hollywood actors Dehner, Cliff Potts, and Lucia Stralser, and fhe Kalahanis, a true Hawaiian family played by Hawaiian citizens. Elizabeth Smith plays the matriarch of the Kalahanis, Lulu. Moe Keale plays her son, Garfield. And Remi Abellira plays her grandson, Kimo.