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Call to Glory: Episodes

Call to Glory

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Call to Glory



United States

Season 1

# Name Date
1 Pilot 8/13/84
2 The Move 8/20/84
3 Blackbird 8/27/84
4 A Nation Divided 9/3/84
5 Paper Tiger 9/17/84
6 Go / No Go 9/24/84
7 Call It Courage 10/1/84
8 A Wind from the East 10/8/84
9 A Moment in the Sun 10/22/84
10 Cover Story 10/29/84
11 Realities 11/12/84
12 The Wake 11/19/84
13 Medals All of Brass 11/26/84
14 A Wind of Change 12/3/84
15 Give Unto Caesar 12/17/84
16 Moonchild 1/15/85
17 Images 1/22/85
18 Fathers and Sons 1/29/85
19 Just in Time 2/12/85
20 The JFK Years (1) 6/30/85
21 The JFK Years (2) 6/30/85
22 Fathers and Daughters
23 The End, the Beginning