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Drama, Crime

11/28/15 –


What is Cassandre about (plot, summary)

Cassandre (Cassandra), accustomed to his daily life in a Parisian police station, takes his new position in Annecy, in order to be with her son. This new position in the provinces strongly displeases Cassandra, City inveterate, which hardly supports this new life, too quiet for his taste. She changes her mind quickly when it comes up against equally breathless business than it had to be treated in Paris. Crimes occur, Cassandra and her new team must resolve as quickly as possible so as not to terrorize the population or inflame suspicions.

Cassandre (Cassandra), accustomed to his daily life in a Parisian police station, takes his new position in Annecy, in order to be with her son. This new position in the provinces strongly displeases Cassandra, City inveterate, which hardly supports this new life, too quiet for his taste. She changes her mind quickly when it comes up against equally breathless business than it had to be treated in Paris. Crimes occur, Cassandra and her new team must resolve as quickly as possible so as not to terrorize the population or inflame suspicions.