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Challenge of the SuperFriends

Challenge of the SuperFriends

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Challenge of the Super Friends

Science-Fiction, Children

9/9/78 – 12/23/78

United States

What is Challenge of the SuperFriends about (plot, summary)

In this continuation of the Super Friends franchise, eleven of the greatest DC heroes and newcomers gather to battle the Legion of Doom. Led by Lex Luthor, the 13-member Legion contains some of the vilest villains in the universe. Each week the villains gather and come up with some new scheme to conquer the planet, or the solar system, or the galaxy! The Super Friends inevitably defeat them, only for the Legion to escape at the last moment and return the next week.

Each week would feature two 30-minute segments. The first featured the Legion of the Doom. The second segment featured adventures revolving around the five core members--Superman, Batman & Robin, Wonder Woman, and Aquaman--and their alien sidekicks Jan, Zayna, and Gleep.

The series is best known for introducing three minority superheroes--Samurai, Black Lighting, and Apache Chief--to introduce some cultural diversity to the program.