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Most Beautiful Thing

Most Beautiful Thing

Coisa Mais Linda

Drama, Romance

3/22/19 –

What is Most Beautiful Thing about (plot, summary)

In 1959, Maria Luiza is a rich and dutiful woman who has always depended on her father and husband. After being left alone in Rio, against her better judgment -- and to the chagrin of her strict father -- Maria Luiza decides to stay in the city and dedicate herself to turning her husband's property into a Bossa Nova club. In this passion-driven transformation in Maria Luiza, she will be inspired by liberal and feminist new friends: Adélia, Lígia and Thereza.

In 1959, Maria Luiza is a rich and dutiful woman who has always depended on her father and husband. After being left alone in Rio, against her better judgment -- and to the chagrin of her strict father -- Maria Luiza decides to stay in the city and dedicate herself to turning her husband's property into a Bossa Nova club. In this passion-driven transformation in Maria Luiza, she will be inspired by liberal and feminist new friends: Adélia, Lígia and Thereza.