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✔ Rating Saved!


Drama, Action, Espionage

6/6/18 –

United States

What is Condor about (plot, summary)

Joe Turner has always been conflicted about his work for the CIA. But when something he's discovered gets his entire office killed, leaving Joe as the only survivor and forcing him to go on the run, the theoretical reservations he's always harbored turn into all-too-real moral dilemmas. Under life or death pressure, Joe will be forced to redefine who he is and what he's capable of in order to discover who's behind this far-reaching conspiracy, and stop them from completing their deadly objective that threatens the lives of millions.

Joe Turner has always been conflicted about his work for the CIA. But when something he's discovered gets his entire office killed, leaving Joe as the only survivor and forcing him to go on the run, the theoretical reservations he's always harbored turn into all-too-real moral dilemmas. Under life or death pressure, Joe will be forced to redefine who he is and what he's capable of in order to discover who's behind this far-reaching conspiracy, and stop them from completing their deadly objective that threatens the lives of millions.