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Da Mood

Da Mood

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Da Mood


6/4/22 – 7/23/22


What is Da Mood about (plot, summary)

A series that takes us to the world of music, more specifically to the dream of a boy band and all that this represents in the musical world Rui is a music teacher who is dissatisfied with his life. One day, when he sees a t-shirt with a picture of the Backstreet Boys, he has the idea of creating a Boy Band as a solution to his financial problems. For that, he asks Mario, artistic agent and longtime friend, to help him find four more elements to join him to form a Boy Band. They carry out a casting and choose Cláudio, a dance teacher, who is in love with Rui's aunt and dreams of writing song lyrics; Ruben, a womanizer, partner in a car transformation company, who sees in the Boy Band a chance to win more women; Gonçalo, a trainee lawyer, unhappy with his life and with a passion for music production; And Tiago, an employee of a fast food company, with an angelic voice, but a look not in keeping with a Boy Band.