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De Mannentester

De Mannentester

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De Mannentester

Drama, Adult

4/22/17 –

What is De Mannentester about (plot, summary)

Victoria Kramer is a 30-year femme fatale, who'se for hire by wives, girlfriends and others to test their men. The seductive, but unapproachable Victoria knows exactly what kind of approach a certain type of guy needs in order to seduce him and is able to transform like a chameleon to that kind of woman. Manipulation, Seduction and lies leads to a merciless extrication of her victims.

Victoria Kramer is a 30-year femme fatale, who'se for hire by wives, girlfriends and others to test their men. The seductive, but unapproachable Victoria knows exactly what kind of approach a certain type of guy needs in order to seduce him and is able to transform like a chameleon to that kind of woman. Manipulation, Seduction and lies leads to a merciless extrication of her victims.