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Dwight in Shining Armor

Dwight in Shining Armor

Dwight in Shining Armor


3/18/19 –

United States

What is Dwight in Shining Armor about (plot, summary)

Season one of the 30-minute adventure comedy series takes place in a suburban town where Dwight, a 21st century teen, falls into an ancient, underground chamber and lands lip-to-lip with Gretta, a gothic princess who has been magically sleeping for a thousand years. Dwight's "kiss" awakens Gretta, her court magician, Baldric, as well as scores of medieval villains, and makes Dwight her de facto champion until her hordes of enemies are defeated. In this story of two worlds colliding, Gretta and Baldric come from a rough and tough gothic war zone. They have no way of understanding 21st century manners or political climate. And they're not really interested in adapting – they've got bigger concerns because all the problems from their world have followed them here. Dwight, on the other hand, fits perfectly in the 21st century. He's the model Generation Z kid: sensitive, open-minded, health-conscious, responsible, non-confrontational – all the qualities that Gretta's world associates with sniveling weakness. He seems like the least-equipped person to fight off Gretta's hordes of enemies, and he's not really interested in becoming a rough and tough champion. If he has to do this job, he's going to do it his way.

Season one of the 30-minute adventure comedy series takes place in a
suburban town where Dwight, a 21st century teen, falls into an ancient,
underground chamber and lands lip-to-lip with Gretta, a gothic princess
who has been magically sleeping for a thousand years. Dwight's "kiss"
awakens Gretta, her court magician, Baldric, as well as scores of
medieval villains, and makes Dwight her de facto champion until her
hordes of enemies are defeated.

In this story of two worlds colliding, Gretta and Baldric come from a
rough and tough gothic war zone. They have no way of understanding 21st
century manners or political climate. And they're not really interested
in adapting – they've got bigger concerns because all the problems from
their world have followed them here. Dwight, on the other hand, fits
perfectly in the 21st century. He's the model Generation Z kid:
sensitive, open-minded, health-conscious, responsible,
non-confrontational – all the qualities that Gretta's world associates
with sniveling weakness. He seems like the least-equipped person to
fight off Gretta's hordes of enemies, and he's not really interested in
becoming a rough and tough champion. If he has to do this job, he's
going to do it his way.