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Elodie Bradford

Elodie Bradford

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Elodie Bradford

Comedy, Crime

10/20/04 – 2/9/07


What is Elodie Bradford about (plot, summary)

A solitary hunter, Elodie tracks down the perfect crime... as well as her suspects who play the male so well. Between seduction and deduction, Elodie alternately seeks the truth and a soul mate, which doesn't always go well together when you're an incorruptible but "seductive" police lieutenant. Elodie is the only police lieutenant who irremediably flirts with the crime of seduction. Impeccable in her floral suits that belong only to her, this little piece of woman seems alternately silly or brilliant, blundering or manipulative, futile or clever... With such a temperament, it's impossible to keep her stuck between the four walls of a police station!