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Comedy, Drama, Crime

4/29/24 – 5/3/24


Russian Federation

What is Емеля about (plot, summary)

Captain Emelin, nicknamed Emelya, as well as his colleagues, captains Vasin and Dolbunov, are engaged in the most complex investigations, and forensic expert Masha Likhacheva helps them in this. Emelya's reputation is so-so, the head of the department, Colonel Khitruk, dislikes him for his independent character and intransigence, but he has to put up with a valuable employee, because he has good disclosure.

Charisma, observation and the ability to think outside the box help Emelya quickly find criminals. And courage and determination, multiplied by strong fists, effectively neutralize them. His partner Vasin helps to find the necessary information from the Network and phones of victims and intruders. Dolbunov turned out to be the main irritant in the team: he is the employee who talks a lot and does not really do anything. He lives strictly according to the horoscope, and if he has a "bad day" according to the forecast, he will never go to detention. Besides work, Emelya has a purely friendly relationship with Masha Likhacheva. In moments of sad reflection, he goes to Masha for advice, who is well versed in both crimes and amorous affairs.