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Эра медведей

Эра медведей

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Эра медведей

Drama, Sports


What is Эра медведей about (plot, summary)

Yesterday Ilya was an eSports legend, and today he is a 38-year-old "old man" that nobody needs. His selfish nature was alienated by fans, sponsors and loved ones. But one day his life changes abruptly: Ilya learns that his daughter Varya followed in her father's footsteps and became an e-sportswoman. Through pain, blood and tears, she succeeds in the brutal world of esports, where there is no place for girls. However, paternal pride did not last long: Ilya understands that Varya is not only talented, but also extremely selfish, which can lead her to failure. To become an example for his daughter, which he never was, Ilya returns to esports. But neither his daughter, nor the esports industry needs him for nothing. And then Ilya decides to do the impossible - to assemble a team and win the world championship.