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Familie Kruys

Familie Kruys

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Familie Kruys

Comedy, Drama

3/29/15 –


What is Familie Kruys about (plot, summary)

Familie Kruys is about the family of Bette, her brother Kirk and their father Thomas. Bette is a successful stylist, which works regularly with famous Dutch artists. It looks like her life is perfect, but she is still an uncertain single woman looking for love and recognition. Meanwhile her brother found his love of life, but is slowly pushing him away due to his fear. Betta feels even more down once her father found the much younger Romanian Ruxandra as his next love.

Familie Kruys is about the family of Bette, her brother Kirk and their father Thomas. Bette is a successful stylist, which works regularly with famous Dutch artists. It looks like her life is perfect, but she is still an uncertain single woman looking for love and recognition. Meanwhile her brother found his love of life, but is slowly pushing him away due to his fear. Betta feels even more down once her father found the much younger Romanian Ruxandra as his next love.