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Ghost Hound: Episodes

Ghost Hound

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Ghost Hound

Drama, Mystery, Anime, Horror

10/18/07 – 4/3/08


Season 1

# Name Date
1 Lucid Dream 10/18/07
2 E.M.D.R. Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing 10/25/07
3 Phobia Exposure 11/1/07
4 Altered States of Consciousness 11/8/07
5 O.B.E. Out of Body Experience 11/15/07
6 Brain Homunculus 11/22/07
7 L.T.P. - Long Term Potentiation 11/29/07
8 Revolution of Limbic System 12/6/07
9 Existential Ghosts 12/13/07
10 Affordance/T.F.T. -Thought Field Therapy- 12/20/07
11 Syntax Error 1/10/08
12 Homeostasis Synchronization 1/24/08
13 For the Snark Was a Boojum, You See 1/31/08
14 Emergence Matrix 2/7/08
15 Toward an Abandoned City 2/14/08
16 Hopeful Monster 2/21/08
17 Implicate Order 2/28/08
18 Holographic Paradigm 3/6/08
19 Negentropy 3/13/08
20 Shaman's District 3/20/08
21 Stochastic Resonance 3/27/08
22 Passage 4/3/08