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Ghost in the Shell: Arise - Alternative Architecture

Ghost in the Shell: Arise - Alternative Architecture

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Ghost in the Shell: Arise - Alternative Architecture

Science-Fiction, Drama, Action, Anime

4/5/15 – 6/7/15


What is Ghost in the Shell: Arise - Alternative Architecture about (plot, summary)

The Ghost in the Shell: Arise OVA sequence has been rebuilt into eight TV-length episodes and extended with two new broadcast exclusive episodes to create Ghost in the Shell: Arise ­ Alternative Architecture! In this highly anticipated prequel set in the year after the fourth World War, cyborg and hacker Motoko Kusanagi finds herself wrapped up in the investigation of a devastating bombing. But she¹s not the only one looking for answers‹as she delves deeper into the mystery of who is behind the attack, a specialized team unlike any before begins to take shape.