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Comedy, Drama

4/26/15 – 6/28/15

United States

What is Happyish about (plot, summary)

Happyish is a scathing examination of our pursuit of happiness, a pursuit that might just be the very thing causing our unhappiness in the first place. The new half-hour pilot stars Steve Coogan as Thom Payne, a 44 year-old man whose world is thrown into disarray when his 25 year-old "wunderkind" boss arrives, saying things like "digital," "social" and "viral." Is he in need of a "rebranding," as his mentor insists, or does he just have a "low joy ceiling," as his corporate headhunter suggests? Maybe pursuing happiness is a fool's errand? Maybe, after 44 years on this ludicrous planet, settling for happyish is the best one can expect.