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He is My Master: Episodes

He is My Master

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He is My Master

Comedy, Anime, Romance

4/7/05 – 6/30/05


Season 1

# Name Date
1 He is My Master? 4/7/05
2 That Vase, it is 5,000,000... 4/14/05
3 The Lolicon Uniform Fetishist who loves peeping pictures and plays girl simulation games 4/21/05
4 Couples formed under extraordinary circumstances don't last long you know 5/5/05
5 There's a rumour that this boy in his midst of puberty who inherited his parents' fortune is... 5/12/05
6 The Sawatari Izumi contest series!! A daring test of courage!! An express train to a secret... 5/19/05
7 He is Izumi's...!? 5/26/05
8 An unbelievably short strike zone 6/2/05
9 Although Izumi is Izumi, Izumi won't yield to anyone 6/9/05
10 He is my prince!? 6/16/05
11 The far away boyfriend Yoshitaka 6/23/05
12 He is my Master!! 6/30/05