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Hoob Phaya Suer

Hoob Phaya Suer

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Hoob Phaya Suer

Adventure, Drama, Action

4/8/22 – 5/15/22


What is Hoob Phaya Suer about (plot, summary)

A story about Paen, a handicapped man who has a miraculous life. Sua Prai, a revered good thief helps healing Paen's physical diability and turns him into a strong man. Paen then disguises as a minion of a local mafia to track down the lost land title deed. He also hunts for Praedaeng thief who killed his mother and tries to save Pailin, his loved one, from the son of the mafia. Despite the grave dangers, he never fears. But it hurts him when he learns that Sua Prai and Praedaeng thief are the same person. He then has to choose between repaying his gratitude or seek retribution.