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Hot Flush

Hot Flush

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Hot Flush


United Kingdom

What is Hot Flush about (plot, summary)

Hot Flush centres on the lives of five women of a certain age who come together to create a makeshift, butt-of-the-joke punk-rock band in order to enter a talent contest, but when they rehearse together they suddenly discover that they have a lot more to say than they ever imagined, and this is the way to say it.

The drama follows the women as they deal with demanding jobs, grown-up children who still eat up their energy, dependent parents, husbands who've let them down and the menopause. The band becomes a catalyst for change in the women's lives, and it's going to make them question everything.

As the story progresses, it's more than music that binds them; a deeply potent, long-buried secret connects Kitty and Beth, the two unlikely creative masterminds behind the band, and it's a secret that could tear everything apart.