Ivanhoe Rate: –☹️ Very Bad🙁 Bad😐 Average🙂 Good😃 Excellent🤩 Super! ★ Save Rating✔ Rating Saved! Notify me: –about new episodeabout new seasonabout end of season Subscribe✔ Subscription Saved! Ivanhoe Adventure, Drama, Romance 1/12/97 – 2/16/97 United Kingdom http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p00t3y9d GeneralEpisodesTranslationsCastCharactersGallery What is Ivanhoe about (plot, summary) Ivanhoe returning from crusading in the Holy Land to England which is ruled by corrupt Prince John. Cast See full cast → Susan Lynch as Rebecca Steven Waddington as Sir Wilfred of Ivanhoe Nick Brimble as Reginald Front de Boeuf Valentine Pelka as Maurice de Bracy James Cosmo as Cedric Characters See all characters → Rebecca Sir Wilfred of Ivanhoe Lady Rowena Brian de Bois-Guilbert Prince John