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Jane the Virgin

Jane the Virgin

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Jane the Virgin

Comedy, Drama, Romance

10/13/14 –

United States

What is Jane the Virgin about (plot, summary)

When Jane Villanueva was a young girl, her grandmother, Alba, convinced her of two things: telenovelas are the highest form of entertainment, and women must protect their virginity at all costs. Jane the Virgin, although she has always tried to be the good girl who does the right thing, Jane's life has suddenly become as dramatic and complicated as the telenovelas she has always loved.

When Jane Villanueva was a young girl, her grandmother, Alba, convinced her of two things: telenovelas are the highest form of entertainment, and women must protect their virginity at all costs. Jane the Virgin, although she has always tried to be the good girl who does the right thing, Jane's life has suddenly become as dramatic and complicated as the telenovelas she has always loved.