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José do Egito

José do Egito

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José do Egito

Drama, History

1/30/13 – 10/9/13


What is José do Egito about (plot, summary)

José do Egito (Joseph of Egypt) is a miniseries biblical Brazilian produced by RecordTV, distributed by Warner Bros. Entertainment originally aired from 30 January to 9 October 2013. Written by Vivian de Oliveira and with general direction of Alexandre Avancini, directed by Vivianne Jundi, Hamsa Wood and arm Manente, José do Egito is the fourth biblical miniseries produced by RecordTV, succeeding The Story of Esther (2010), Samson and Delilah (2011) and King David (2012). Initially planned to be displayed in 28 chapters due to the good reception of the public was reissued and displayed in 38 chapters.