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Казанова в России

Казанова в России

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Казанова в России

Adventure, Drama, Mystery

12/12/22 – 12/29/22

Russian Federation

What is Казанова в России about (plot, summary)

1762. In Russia, a palace coup, Catherine is forced to sign an obligation to return the throne to her son Paul when he comes of age. Many people are trying to get such an invaluable instrument of influence on Russia. The Vatican entrusts this matter to Casanova - so he can atone for all his previous sins. To do this, Casanova needs to charm three ladies: the one on the throne, the one that sells the document and the one that will save Casanova himself. Deadly dangers await the great heartthrob at every turn. Finally, a priceless document is in the hands of Casanova, but he does not manage it at all as he was instructed.