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Kill Heel

Kill Heel

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Kill Heel

Drama, Thriller

2/23/22 – 4/14/22

Korea, Republic of

What is Kill Heel about (plot, summary)

The plot of the drama revolves around competition in the world of home shopping and will show the struggle for power on television.
Wu Hyun is the host of "Shop on the Couch". Her show has stable ratings and sales, but this does not add to her confidence. Despite her happy personal life, the issue of stagnation in her career worries her.
Pe Axon is the leading fashion shopping program. Elegant, dressed in the latest fashion, she causes a feeling of envy among many.
KimMo Ran is the vice president of the company for the sale of household goods. She achieved success thanks to her hard work and without anyone's help. After graduating from a prestigious university, Moran became an employee of a well-known securities company, and after years of painstaking work, she reached her current position.
The presenters of various television programs working in a world of fierce competition, these women make every effort to maintain their leading positions.