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Kjære Landsmenn

Kjære Landsmenn

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Kjære Landsmenn

Comedy, Drama

9/18/21 – 10/30/21


What is Kjære Landsmenn about (plot, summary)

King Johan has ruled safely, conservatively and according to the old recipe: Show up at public events, write congratulations to 100-year-olds, dry talk with war sailors and wave to the people on 17 May. But the Royal House gets a shock when Norway's largest newspaper conducts an opinion poll: Only 48 percent of the Norwegian people think they do a good job. Johan refuses to believe it. He starts his own poll - which results in a particularly unflattering cloud of words. The people no longer love their king! They are indifferent to him at best. King Johan and his wife, Queen Isabella, must do something - quickly. It also does not help that the newly elected prime minister is a pronounced Republican, and sees his cut to think publicity in favor of the royal house.