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Lado a Lado

Lado a Lado

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Lado a Lado

Drama, Romance

9/10/12 – 3/8/13


What is Lado a Lado about (plot, summary)

Set in Rio de Janeiro's beginning of the 20th century, Lado a Lado tells the story of a friendship between two women: Isabel (Camila Pitanga), descendent of a poor slave, and Laura (Marjorie Estiano), a white girl, daughter of a baroness. Despite their very different origins and backgrounds, the two girls become very close while aspiring to a future of equality between men and women, and between black and white people. They meet on their wedding day and build a friendship capable of shaking the tree of Constância (Patrícia Pillar), Laura's mother, a baroness who refuses to accept the innovations of the twentieth century and the change of the country into a republic.