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Legends: Episodes


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Drama, Crime, Thriller

– 12/28/15

United States

Season 2

# Name Date
1 The Legend of Dmitry Petrovich 11/2/15
2 The Legend of Kate Crawford 11/9/15
3 The Legend of Curtis Ballard 11/23/15
4 The Legend of Iiyana Zakayeva 11/30/15
5 The Legend of Terrence Graves 12/7/15
6 The Legend of Tamir Zakayev 12/14/15
7 The Second Legend of Dmitry Petrovich 12/21/15
8 The Legend of Doku Zakayev 12/28/15
9 The Legend of Gabi Miskova 12/28/15
10 The Legend of Alexei Volkov 12/28/15

Season 1

# Name Date
1 Pilot 1/11/16
2 Chemistry 1/18/16
3 Lords of War 1/25/16
4 Betrayal 2/1/16
5 Rogue 2/8/16
6 Gauntlet 2/15/16
7 Quicksand 2/22/16
8 Iconoclast 2/29/16
9 Wilderness of Mirrors 3/7/16
10 Identity 3/14/16